I haven't looked at most of the others, those are the 2 main ones that I've been looking at. I have no idea why he does this, maybe so he can select an scv and build there? I don't know. I was watching Polt, and he hotkeys his main to 0 and the rest of his expansions to 9. Everybody told me to hotkey all of my army separately, and that's what I've been following ever since, what is the reason he does this?
Like I was watching a game with mma, and he hotkeyed his whole army, siege tanks, marines, vikings, everything. I've been looking at korean terrans play (like polt, boxer, mkp, mma, jjakji, etc.) and I see their hotkeys, I understand some of them, but a lot of them don't make any sense to me. So I've been losing a couple of games, that I think I can blame on my control groups sometimes, but I don't know yet. #1 I've been searching this on TL, and most of what I found was about hotkeys, or about brood war, so if there was a thread about this that I didn't find, please show me and close this thread.